Register Today — Closes Friday, 30 October 2020
This unique event brings together students and industry to solve real-world problems while supporting teachers to develop experiential learning engagements in their schools.
Partnering with the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM), Incept Labs will now be running COVID Safe Virtual Innovation Challenges in 2020. Like their face-to-face equivalent, each event involves secondary students working collaboratively over two days to solve a real industry problem. Using Microsoft Teams, students will interview representatives of emergency management agencies, including CFS and SES, SAAS and City of Adelaide, and pitch their solutions to them. Students will develop effective communication, complex problem solving, creativity, and teamwork to solve a real problem — while working in a virtual team.
For Participants
Each school should send 10 students, drawn from years 8 to 10. The selection of students is at the school's discretion and there is no subject requirement as the problem is transdisciplinary. Students should:
Students will need access to a computer, stable internet connection, webcam, and headset with microphone (see Technology Requirements for more details).
Working virtually can be more tiring than face-to-face. As a consequence, we use a ‘day-on’, ‘day-off’, ‘day-on’ model. This also allows students to reflect on their work on the off day.
Students participate at school, signing in at 8:50am, ending at 3:15pm. There is a 10min break at 11am, and 30min lunch at 1pm.
Each school must also send at least one accompanying teacher who enrols in the professional development. A school may choose to send additional teachers to participate in the professional development. The event is also open to a small number of teachers not accompanying a school who wish to participate in the professional development.
For all participants, you will need to provide us with the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Year Group
If the attendee identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
If the attendee comes from a Non-English Speaking Background
Email Address
If you have any issues completing the registration or need to pay other than by credit card, please contact us at
For Teachers
While the students are solving the problem, accompanying teachers are supported through an experiential professional development program. The program provides teachers with:
A deep understanding of the principles underpinning authentic experiential lesson design;
How to facilitate students working through complex unstructured problems; and,
The latest research drawn from studies conducted across multiple countries.
The aim is that, having undertaken this program, the teachers will be able to work with and support colleagues within their school to incorporate, design, and deliver a wider range of engaging learning linked to the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum.
Please note: Accompanying teachers must enroll in the teacher professional development program as it forms part of the overall design of the event. Schools may choose to register more than one teacher if they wish.
About the Facilitators
Your facilitators will be Dr Christopher Goldspink and Dr Robert Kay of Incept Labs. In a research collaboration that has spanned almost 20 years they have been engaged in multiple large-scale education system evaluations and research studies, both in Australia and overseas. More recently, they have been working with schools and universities to advance teaching approaches that support what has been described as Education 3.0 (E3.0).
They are passionate about facilitating reform in the education system to better prepare children for life in the era of the new industrial revolution. Using evidence-based approaches to situation improvement, they have designed multiple measurement tools to capture the complex interactions between teachers and their students.
Sponsorship and Support
The Business Innovation Challenge program is supported in part by the following organisations:
This program is also sponsored in part under the Disaster Resilience Grants Program by the South Australian State Government and Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs