for the future
confronting uncertainties is vital
for organisations, big and small
Rather than reacting to changes in the environment, focus should be given to proactively shaping it. Uncertainties should be exploited as opportunities. Reaction waits for the future to shape you; resilience lets you shape your future.
Incept Labs draws on its world leading research into individual, corporate, and community resilience to support individuals and institutions to increase their adaptability and sustainability. This includes supporting leaders and teams to develop their capacity to learn, and to adapt and shape their internal and external environments. We can map critical dependencies which arise through both formal and informal social networks and the feedback associated with complex value and supply chains.
Futuring methodology which provides clients with a unique opportunity to explore their possible future operating environments, and co-develop strategies with their clients, suppliers, and other key stakeholders. This is executed by drawing on a client's internal knowledge and resources, external expertise, and the client's stakeholders. From this process, a fuller picture of future operating conditions can be generated. This allows a client to more thoroughly appreciate future unmet needs, challenges, risks, and opportunities.
We believe that organisations are best placed to confront the uncertainties ahead if they plan to change and shape themselves and their environment, instead of waiting to react to changes that are forced upon them. We work with entities to help them map a path forward by critically analysing the existing environment, surfacing the deep assumptions, and developing strategies which never take business as usual for granted. The end result for a client is a strategy that empowers it to best position itself to meet future needs and deal with future challenges that arise, without being caught on the back foot.
Preparing for the future and confronting uncertainties are vital to organisations, big and small. In an environment of growing systemic risks, governments are increasingly concerned with supporting business and community resilience in the face of natural disasters and human induced crises. Resilient systems result from the complex interplay between individual and cultural dispositions with human-designed structures and processes. Incept has developed sophisticated methods for mapping this relationship.
Whilst the topic of organisational resilience has been growing in popularity, there are actually very few empirical studies. The client needed to develop a research agenda around the topic in critical infrastructure contexts.
Incept Labs proposed a study based around qualitative interviews with CEOs, to gain their perspective on the topic, and what they thought was important. 51 CEOs were interviewed and a research agenda covering 45 key questions developed. The associated research report has been circulated/downloaded by more than 4000 people.